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The mind cannot see the new because it is constantly living in the past, the past which is the system. When you say 'I am a Christian', or 'I am a Hindu', It is the past which speaks and cannot see anything new. 2014. 8. 25.
there is no freedom through slavery to an idea, or in acceptance of a certain theology, or in conformingto a certain pattern set by society or by myself. 2014. 6. 3.
The Violent Self 2014. 5. 23.
Beyond belief We realize that life is ugly, painful, sorrowful; we want some kind of theory, some kind of speculation or satisfaction, some kind of doctrine, which will explain all this, and so we are caught in explanation, in words, in theories, and gradually, beliefs become deeply rooted and unshakable because behind those beliefs, behind those dogmas, there is the constant fear of the unknown. But we never.. 2014. 5. 23.
첼시 12 There is disorder when we are pursuing ideals What is the nature and structure of disorder? There is disorder, isn’t there? Where there is contradiction—saying one thing and doing something totally different—there is bound to be disorder. I wonder if one is aware of this. Then, there is conflict, disorder, when we are pursuing ideals or our own projection of what we think we ought to be. That is.. 2014. 1. 11.
Why is one a slave to thought? Why has thought become so important in all our lives-thought being ideas, being the responseto the accumulated memories in the brain cells? Perhaps many of you have not even asked such a question before, or if you have you may have said, "it`s of very little importance- what is important is emotion." But I don`t see how you can separate the two. If thought does not give continuity to feeling, fe.. 2013. 7. 10.