naanyaar?2 WHO AM I? WHO AM I? Every living being longs to be happy, untainted by sorrow; and everyone has the greatest love for himself, which is solely due to the fact that happiness is his real nature. Hence, in order to realise that inherent and untainted happiness, which indeed he daily experiences when the mind is subdued in deep sleep, it is essential that he should know himself. For obtaining such knowledge .. 2013. 3. 25. 나는 브람마다 모두가 브람마다. 브람마가 뭔지를 아는데 까지... ... 나 라는 것이 뭔지 아는데 까지... ... 연기로 설명되든 공으로 설명되든 중도로 표현되든... ... 어떻든... ... freedom from the known. nothing? 2011. 7. 22. 이전 1 다음